Liposuction and Liposculpture

Technical name: liposuction or liposculpture.
Body region: neck, chin, hip, abdomen, waist, inner thighs, knees, arms, among others.
Type: cosmetic plastic surgery
Age: after adolescence
Anesthesia: epidural
Duration of surgery: three hours in most cases
Scar: the cuts are small, smaller than 1 cm


Liposuction is surgery to reduce the volume of body fat in localized areas, giving the patient a better body contour. Although many think, liposuction is not made to lose weight, because the biggest change is in the body silhouette, not balance. The best results are obtained in the liposuction in which the patient presents localized fat. Surgeries in large areas and large volumes are more likely to leave irregularities.


Remove excess concentrated and localized fat through a vacuum aspiration system. Model the body through minimal incisions.

Main aspects

Liposuction, while being an easy-to-carry treatment, has no room for adventurers who aim only at financial returns. The care with the principles that guide the cosmetic surgery and clear techniques are the guarantee for a good final result.

After many cases operated and with accumulated experience, a standardization of the technique was achieved:

It is recommended to be made for localized fat removal.
No more than 3 liters are taken in each procedure.
The patient should perform all necessary preoperative examinations.
Here in Brazil, liposuction has had great acceptance and today is one of the most accomplished aesthetic surgeries.
The most indicated is to operate patients not very old, who do not have much flaccidity and localized fat.
Liposuction is not the solution for cellulite. There is only an improvement in certain cases.

It can be performed with a liposuction device, with syringe and ultrasound. In our experience, we usually use a vibration apparatus, a type of vibrolipo through the Microaire.

It is done with local or epidural anesthesia usually accompanied by sedation, according to the extension of the area to be aspirated.

The patient is discharged on the same day and the duration of the procedure is, on average, one to two hours.

Pre and post-operative care

A correct clinical investigation, knowledge about previous surgeries, adverse reactions to drugs or medications, laboratory tests are essential.

Reducing smoking, stopping drinking, walking and fasting on the eve of surgery are important for the good outcome of the operation.

The surgery causes bumps and, during the postoperative period, fat cells ruptured with the procedure will be eliminated.

The use of non-disruptive compression band or belt within two months after the operation facilitates skin accommodation and helps reduce swelling, and accelerate and improve the quality of results.

Until the third week, dark patches disappear that may appear in the operated region.

Avoid maximum exposure to sunlight in areas operated for 90 days. After this period, the exposure should be gradual, with the use of sunscreen indicated by the doctor.

During the first month after liposuction, the patient shows a remarkable improvement of the edema, when he / she begins to notice hardening in the operated area, due to the internal cicatrization. This hardening improves progressively during the second and third months, at which time a greater retraction of the skin occurs.

The definitive result of liposuction is given after six months, but it reaches 80% at four months.

Mild physical exercises should be started from the eighth postoperative day, always with medical guidance.

After discharge, it is essential to take care of the patient in not gaining weight or neglecting his body.



Liposuction is a plastic surgery to reduce the volume of body fat in localized areas of the body, quickly and efficiently, giving the patient a better body silhouette.

Contrary to what many people think, liposuction is not meant to lose weight, but rather to reshape the body, remove that unwanted fat and thus enhance the body contour.

The Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery guides us to a safety limit of fat removal, which is around 7% of body weight. In liposculpture you remove the "unwanted fat" from a localized area of ​​the body and graft this fat into regions of the body in another that has little volume or depression, such as the butt. This technique allows a considerable improvement in both the size and shapes of the buttocks, in a natural way. You can also use the removed fat to fill in the expression grooves that form around the mouth. Some of the grafted fat is absorbed by the body, but this absorption varies with each patient.

So the difference between liposuction and liposculpture is that liposuction consists of removing the localized fat and liposculpture involves two procedures: the plastic surgeon first sucks the fat and then he uses part of it that was aspirated to fill body depressions or highlight other areas as your will.


Take advantage of the fat removed by liposuction to improve the contour of some regions of the body:

Face grooves, modeling apples, chin and lip, fill the void between the thighs, raise and or lift buttocks, etc.

Main aspects

The advantage is that injected substances, because they are part of the same organism, do not cause rejection.

Much of the transferred fat, over time, ends up being absorbed.

Liposuction and liposculpture when well indicated and having the patient's collaboration give excellent results.

Pre and post-operative care

In addition to being less expensive, it does not require immobilization and its recovery is much faster than a surgical procedure for the same purpose.

In addition, the postoperative should follow the same care of liposuction.