Hair Transplant

The technique of hair transplantation has undergone a great advance in the last years after the phase of the "punchs" (tufts of transplanted yarns with average of 10 to 15 threads per orifice created), however, so that you understand what is new , You need to know a few things.

Unlike what people imagine, hair strands do not come out one by one from the scalp, but rather groups of 1, 2, 3 and up to 4 strands, called follicular units.

Technological progress consists of separating these 1, 2, 3 and 4-wire units and then transplanting them into the bald or rarefied areas, exactly as they were in the donor area, with all its attachments, glands, erector muscle The hair, etc.


The surgery is performed in our clinics, under local anesthesia and mild sedation and lasts on average 3 hours.

The patient is released about 1 to 2 hours after the end of the dressing procedure and returns the next day for removal. From there, he is released to perform his normal day to day activities. You should only be aware of some care in the first few days so as not to damage the grafts.


About 80% of the transplants fall after 15 to 30 days, taking the wires and leaving their roots. At this stage there is also a relative drop in normal wires due to the stress of the procedure. It is important to know at this time, that all the strands that fall as a result of surgery, grow back normally. From these roots will grow new wires, which will begin to appear on the scalp around 3 months after the procedure. After this period, they will grow on average 1 cm per month, so we can say that the final result will appear about 1 year after surgery.

As the transplanted wires do not contain the genetic code for baldness, they will never fall again, meaning the result of the hair transplant is for life.

Just remember that your hair (not transplanted) which contains the genetic code for baldness will continue to fall. So the need for a new "session" will be directly proportional to the speed of these threads falling.